By True Beauty San Diego Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine on June 30th, 2020
If you were not genetically bestowed with an elegant, defined neck — or if your neck has become fleshy or saggy with age — you may be a good candidate for neck lift with Dr. Brian Reagan. Designed to remove excess skin and fat on the neck and tighten the musculature, neck lift creates a leaner, smoother, wrinkle-free neck. You will be delighted with how much younger you look after neck lift, thanks to Dr. Reagan’s combination of skill and expertise.
Preparing for Neck Lift
The first step involves a detailed discussion with Dr. Reagan. The two of you will discuss your physical health, medical history and treatment goals. Dr. Reagan will want to understand what you hope to achieve with neck lift before planning out your surgery. Your treatment plan will take into consideration your age, goals and unique anatomy.
Once your surgery has been scheduled, you will start to prepare for the procedure. Dr. Reagan may ask you to undergo some lab testing or get bloodwork done prior to surgery. You will need to stop taking certain medications (e.g., aspirin) and if you smoke, quit several weeks before the operation. On the day of surgery, make sure you have someone available to drive you home and stay with you for the first 24 hours.
Treatment Details
Neck lift is performed on an outpatient basis with anesthesia.
Dr. Reagan will begin by making small incisions around and behind your ears, possibly with an additional incision under your chin. Through the incisions, he will carefully lift and tighten the muscles and remove excess skin and fat to sculpt a slimmer, smoother neck profile.
Once Dr. Reagan is finished making the surgical modifications, he will close the incisions and place a soft dressing around your head and under your chin.
Neck Lift Recovery
Expect some bruising and swelling immediately after neck lift surgery. Your neck may feel tight or sore initially. These aftereffects will subside in the weeks following your surgery. Most patients feel good enough to resume work within a week or two of neck lift. Dr. Reagan will clear you to go back to work and resume other activities, like exercise, when he feels your neck has sufficiently healed.
It can take up to a few months for swelling to completely subside and your neck lift results to fully reveal themselves.
Request a Neck Lift Consultation
For more information about neck lift and what it can do for your appearance, please request a consultation with Dr. Reagan today. You can call or email our office to schedule your visit.